How to Make Your House Smell Good: Tips for Freshening Up Your Home

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Written By Diffuser Lab

Diffuser Lab - Giving you all the best advice on choosing a diffuser and diffuser recipes!

Do you ever come home from a long day of work and can’t wait to take a relaxing bath? And as soon as you walk in the door, all you can smell is last night’s dinner?

Yeah, us too.

It’s hard to relax when your house smells like last night’s curry. That’s why we’ve put together this list of tips for making your house smell good.

Whether you’re looking for a quick fix or want to invest in some long-term solutions, we’ve got you covered!

how to make house smell good

16 Ways To Make Your House Smell Good

lady opening window

1. Open up the windows to let in some fresh air

Opening the windows is a great way to let in some fresh air and make your house smell good. The breeze will help circulate the air and freshen up the room.

If it’s cold outside, you can still take advantage of the breeze by opening the door to your balcony or porch.

Close the windows and doors when it rains or snows, as the weather can quickly dampen and dirty the air.

If you have allergies, keep the windows and doors closed to prevent pollen and other allergens from entering the house.

Also, if you have pets or young children, do not leave windows or doors open if they can use them to escape the house!

2. Burn a scented candle or put a diffuser with essential oils in the room

One way to make your house smell good is by using a diffuser with essential oils. Essential oils are natural compounds that have a variety of benefits, including making your home smell good. There are many different essential oils, so you can find one that smells good to you. You can also mix different essential oils to create a custom scent.

To use a diffuser with essential oils, add a few drops of oil to the water and turn it on. The diffuser will release the scent into the air, making your house smell good. You can also put a few drops of oil on a tissue and place them near the diffuser to increase the scent.

If you don’t have a diffuser, you can also burn a scented candle. Candles are a great way to make your house smell good because they release the scent slowly, so it lasts for a while. So choose a candle that smells good to you and place it in the room where you spend the most time.

Both diffusers and candles are a great way to make your house smell good. They are easy to use and can be used in any room. Choose the type of diffuser or candle that you like best and enjoy the scent!

3. Vacuum and dust regularly to get rid of any built-up smells

One of the easiest ways to make your house smell good is to vacuum and dust regularly. This will help get rid of any built-up smells and will help keep your house looking clean and tidy. Make sure to vacuum all surfaces, including the floors, furniture, and curtains.

Dusting is also essential, as it will help remove any dirt and dust that may have accumulated.

By keeping your house clean, you’ll be able to keep the smell of dirt and dust at bay, and you’ll also be able to reduce the number of allergens in your home.

2 muffins on top of each other

4. Bake something delicious that will fill the house with a mouthwatering aroma

Baking something delicious is a great way to make your house smell good. There are many different recipes that you can try, and each one will produce a unique scent. Plus, baking is enjoyable, so you and your family can enjoy spending time in the kitchen together.

Some of our favorite baked goods that make the house smell fantastic include apple pie, banana bread, and chocolate chip cookies. Give one of these recipes a try, and you’ll be amazed at how quickly your house smells like a bakery!

If you don’t feel like baking, there are many other ways to make your house smell good. One of our favorite tricks is to simmer some spices on the stovetop.

5. Use natural ingredients like lemon, vinegar, and baking soda to cleanse the air

There are a few different ways to use natural ingredients to cleanse the air in your house. One way is to use lemon. Lemons are a great way to get rid of odors, and they also help to brighten up the air. You can either slice a lemon and put it in a bowl or squeeze the lemon juice into a spray bottle and use it to spritz the air.

Another way to use natural ingredients to cleanse the air is to use vinegar. Vinegar is a great way to get rid of some types of bacteria, and it also helps to neutralize bad smells. You can either use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar.

To use vinegar to cleanse the air, you can either put it in a spray bottle and spritz it around the house or put it in a bowl and let it evaporate.

Another way to use natural ingredients to cleanse the air is baking soda. Baking soda is a great way to get rid of bad smells, and it also helps to absorb moisture.

To use baking soda to cleanse the air, you can put it in a bowl and let it evaporate, or you can put it in a spray bottle and spritz it around the house.

These natural ingredients are great ways to cleanse the air in your house and get rid of bad smells. They are also all affordable and easy to find.

6. Spray Febreze or another odor-eliminating spray around the house

One way to make your house smell good is by using an odor-eliminating spray. Febreze is a famous brand of odor-eliminating spray, but there are many others on the market.

Spray the product in the air around the house, and it will help to freshen up the smell. Avoid spraying the product directly onto furniture or fabric, as it may leave a residue.

charcoal on a spoon

7. Set out a bowl of baking soda or charcoal to absorb any unpleasant smells

Using charcoal to absorb odors is a great way to keep your home smelling fresh. Set out a bowl of charcoal, and it will absorb any unpleasant odors.

Be sure to change the charcoal regularly, as it will become saturated with odors. This is a great way to keep your home smelling fresh without harsh chemicals.

8. Keep a vase of fresh flowers or plants in the living room

One way to make your house smell good is to keep a vase of fresh flowers or plants in the living room. This will add a fresh, natural scent to the air.

You can also buy scented candles or air fresheners, but these can be expensive and artificial-smelling. Fresh flowers or plants are a natural and affordable way to freshen up your home.

If you don’t have a lot of space for plants, you can also try using incense or scented oils.

air freshener

9. Use a room deodorizer or air freshener

Many people find that using an air freshener helps make their house smell good. There are many different air fresheners available, from room deodorizers to sprays.

If you are looking for a quick and easy way to make your house smell good, an air freshener is a great option.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using an air freshener. First, make sure to read the instructions carefully.

You should not use some air fresheners in certain rooms, such as the kitchen or bathroom. Second, be aware of the ingredients in the air freshener. Finally, some air fresheners contain chemicals that can be harmful if inhaled.

If you are looking for a safe and natural way to make your house smell good, try using a room deodorizer. Room deodorizers typically contain essential oils known for their fragrant properties.

Room deodorizers also work to purify the air and can help to improve your indoor air quality.

10. Take out the trash regularly and clean the bins

One way to make your house smell good is by taking out the garbage regularly. This means emptying the trash cans in the kitchen and bathroom and taking the trash out to the curb.

Make sure you clean the bins regularly, too, so they don’t start to smell bad.

11. Have your carpets and furniture professionally cleaned

Another way to make your house smell good is to have your carpets and furniture professionally cleaned.

This will remove any dirt or dust that may be causing unpleasant odors. It will also help your furniture and carpets to last longer.

12. Install a ventilation system or air purifier

Installing a ventilation system can help to freshen up your home by circulating fresh air and removing any stale smells.

If you don’t have one already, consider investing in an air purifier to help remove any unwanted odors and allergens from the air. This can be a great solution if you’re struggling with how to make your house smell good.

13. Move the furniture around to create different airflow patterns

When you’re feeling cramped for space, one easy way to create the illusion of more breathing room is to move your furniture around. Try moving your bed to the other side of the room or your sofa against the wall.

You can also try moving your furniture away from the walls to create more airflow in the room. This is especially helpful in the summertime when you want to keep your home cool.

man painting walls

14. Paint the walls in light, fresh colors

Painting the walls in a fresh color is a great way to make your house smell good. Light colors will help to brighten up the space and make it feel airier.

Choose a color that you love and that will brighten up the room. Painting the walls is a quick and easy way to give the illusion of a great smelling house!

15. Replace any stained or smelly carpets or furniture

If your carpets or furniture have seen better days, it might be time for a replacement. Old, stained, and smelly carpets and furniture can make your entire house smell bad.

So, if you’re looking to freshen up your home’s smell, start by replacing any stained or smelly carpets or furniture.

16. Clean your curtains and blinds

Your curtains and blinds can get pretty dirty over time, and this can lead to a bad smell in your home. So, be sure to give them a good cleaning now and then. This will help freshen up your home’s smell and make it look nicer.


Now that you’ve learned about all of these different ways to make your house smell good, it’s time for you to try a few out. So pick the ones that sound the best to you and give them a shot.

Your home will smell great, but you may also find that it feels more comfortable and inviting. You may notice improvements in your mood and energy levels too!

Have any of your tips or tricks for making your house smell amazing? Share them with us in the comments below!

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